Wednesday, February 29, 2012


Fìrewon oel stìmawm txana ayyayot. Tsapam suneiu oeru nitxan.

Krr a oe tìmìng mikyun, oel zolerok 'uoti. Ayzìsìtam oe kolä tìkangkemne, ulte tsakrr kop, oel stamawn ayayot. Lertu oeyä ftamang oehu ulte poan new ivomum futa pelun oe kllkxem fìtseng. Oel pameng poanur futa oe tam. Lertu pawm oeru san nga stawm peu'?

Oe plltxe san oe tìng mikyun.
Oeyä lertu tamìng mikyun, frakrr poan plltxe san oe ke stawm ke'u!

Sawtute... fo ke kame, slä fo ke stawm kop...


This morning I heard many birds. I like that sound a lot.

When I was listening, I remembered something. Years ago I was on my way to work, and then too, I heard birds. My colleague stopped and wanted to know why I was standing there. I wold him that I listened. Colleague then asked me "What do you hear?"
I told him to listen
My colleague listened, then he said "I hear nothing!"

Sky people... they don't See, but they don't hear either...


  1. Sran, fko tsun stivawm futa ayyao rerol mì faysrr. Kxawm zìsìkrr aysyulangä a'usong lok nì'ul sì ni'ul, srak?

  2. Srane. Oe tsun tsive'a aysyulang nì'ul'ul (lì'u amip mì pìlok Pawl Frommerä).
    Sìlpey oe tsnì yafkeyk asìltsan nì'ul za'u ye'rin.
