Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Wew, ulte sempul

Srane. Wew lu fìtsenge. Hufwe tkxepayä lu awngaru, mì trr sì txon. Ton lu wew nìtxan, taluna tawur ke lu fìwopx. Tse, krr a oe kä tìkangkemne, oe zene yivemstokx mi ayu asom. Wew ke sunu oeru. Fe'.

Oel fpìl futa oeyä sempul ke lu fpom. Poan lu koak nìtxan. Txana ayhapxìtu soaiayä si eylan tolerkup, ulte oeyä sempul lu nì'awtu pxìm. Oe ke lu lawk txo sempul mi new rivey...

Cold, and Dad.

Yes. It is cold here. We have ice-wind, day and night. The nights are very cold, because the sky has no clouds. So, when I go to work, I have to dress in warm things. I don't like cold. Bah.

I think that my father is not happy. He is very old. Many family members and friends have died, and my Dad is alone often. I am not sure if he still wants to live...


  1. Poru lu lun fte rivey srak? Koaka tute, 'ewana tute, ke tsranten. Awnga lun kin.

  2. Sempul oeyä solalew zampxeyvol (88 'Rrta) zìsìt.
    Nari peyä ke sìltsan lu. Peyä mehinam sì eltu ("memory") meyp lu. Ulte oeyä sa'nok lu lomtu poanur. (Sa'nok tolerkup pxey kamzìsìt.)
