Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Rel ta'lengä

Mipa rel ta'lengä lu oeru. Kxawm ngal ke tslam futa pe'u lu rel ta'lengä.
Nga sngä'ì säfpìlhu. Akrrmaw tsa'u, ngal frrfen pamtseoti a rel ta'lengä. Poanìl fu poel wayeyn relit mì sa'leng ngeyä.

Srane, fì'u sraw lu, slä nìyol nì'aw.

Skin image (tattoo)

I have a new tattoo. Maybe you do not know what a tattoo is. You start with an idea. After that, you visit an artist of skin images (tattoo artist). he or she will sdraw the image on your skin.

Yes, it is painful, but only for a short time.


  1. Tewti… lam fwa lu sraw nì’it ;)

    *hrh* There’s an interesting typo in your English translation ;) You wanted to write ‘draw’ but wrote ›sraw‹, the Na’vi word for ‘painful’ ;D
