Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Fmawn ftu na'rìng - tsìng

Krro krro ngal tse'a tompat atxan nìhawng.
Oel tslam futa fì'u tsun livu vä Slä nga zene fpivìl futa nga tsun sivi mì sompa!
Krrpe lu hamalo fwa ngal yamur ngeyä ikranit?
Ayikran lu tsawl, nga kìn txana pay. Tompa atxan lu ral txana pay!
Tse, hayalo krra tompa lu ngaru, ngal omum futa nga tsun sivi!


News from the forest - four

At times you see too much rain.
I understand that this can be unpleasant to the senses. But you must think what you can do in the rain!
When is the last time that you washed your ikran?
Ikrans are large (in size), you need a lot of water. Much rain means much water!
So, next time when you have rain, you know what you can do!

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