Friday, July 27, 2012

Fmawn ftu na'rìng - mrr

Srane, oe omum, oe ke lamu fìtsenge txankrr.
Txana ayngäzìk lamu oeyä sempulur, ulte soaia lu letsranten.

Pehrr ngal tse'a 'ewll aukxo, rutxe, tìng pxayit 'ewllur. 'Ewll irayo seiyi ngaru!

News from the forest - five

Yes, I know, I have not been here for a long time.
My father had many problems, and family is important.

When you see a dry plant, please, give water to it. The plant will thank you!

1 comment:

  1. tìng payit 'ewllur.

    paxy -> pay :)

    Oe sìlpey tsnì fpom lu ngeyä sempulur.
