Monday, February 21, 2011

Trram, fìtrr. Trray?

Trram oel frrfamen oeyä sempulit, sì 'eylanit aspxin. Oeyä sempul lu nìltsan. Oeyä 'eylan lu tute keftxo.
Spxin si ke lu sìltsan. Oel mamunge yom poti.

Yesterday, today. Tomorrow?
Yesterday I visited *) my father, and a sick friend. My father is well. My friend is an unhappy woman.
Being sick **) is not good. I brought her food.

*) not sure where infix position1 is in frrfen
**) Is this correct??? Spxin si - being sick. Should this be "spxin lu"?


  1. Ma ’eylan,

    sìlpey oe tsnì ngeyä ’eylan zoslìeyvu ye’rìn.

    *) ›frrfen‹ has the normal f‹1›rrf‹2›en infix positions, so ›famrrfen‹ would be ‘visited’
    **) I’d use ›fwa lu spxin ke lu sìltsan‹ for what you want to convey.

    Kìyevame, ma tsmukan

  2. Ma 'eylan,

    Irayo lu ngeyä srung, sì ngeyä ayrangal azoslu!

    ta Puvomun
