Friday, October 7, 2011

Aysempul sì ayunil

na'vi post.


Srane, oe omängum. Krr atxan nìhawng nìmun.
Oe zene pamrel sivi nì'ul fìtsenge.

U nìtxan lamen. 'Eylanä sempul tamerkup. Poan lamu koak nìtxan, 134 zìsìt. Peyä tirea lu Eywahu set.
Sempul oeyä set solalaw 130 zìsìt. Seykxel sì nitram, ma sempul!

Oeyä menumeyur leNa'vi ke lu krr nìtam numene. Ngaytxoa, nìngay, talun tìkar lu 'o' oeru. Oel 'efu fpom fpi tìsrung si aylaru.*  Slä mefo 'ìn, tsa'ut oel mllte.

Oe new pamrel sivi nì'ul. Kxawm oe layu pamreltu anawm, slä oel fpìl futa fì'u layu unil tì’i’avay krrä.
Tse, fìunil lu oeru. Tam lu. Set. :-)

Fathers and dreams


Yes, I know. Too much time again.
I must write more here.

Many things happened. A friend's father dies. He was very old, 92 years. His spirit is with Eywa now.
My father is 88 years old now. Congratulations, Dad!

My two Na'vi students have not enough time to learn. I am sorry, truly, because teaching is fun for me. I feel good when helping others. But they are busy, I understand that.

I want to write more. Maybe I will be a great writer, but I think that may be a dream forever.
Well, this dream is mine. It is enough. Now. :-)

* I'm afraid this construct is doubtful at best ;-)

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